Some Ways To Help Others During the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Crisis
The recent coronavirus crisis has impacted everyone in varying ways all around the globe. It’s times like these where helping your community and loved ones is more important than ever as restaurants, stores, and more are closing their doors.
We listed below some ways you can give love during the COVID-19 crisis. What are some ways you are giving love right now?

1. Helping the elderly/vulnerable population shop and run errands.
Those who are immunocompromised and the elderly are the highest-risk groups in contracting COVID-19. Protect those in your community by asking if they need anything so you can make a quick store run for them.

2. Donating to food banks and other in-need communities
Nonprofits are experiencing a drastic decrease in volunteers and donations right now, but call your local non-profit organization and ask what they need.

3. Buying from locally owned businesses.
Many businesses are suffering right now due to social distancing. Consider buying gift certificates from your favorite small businesses to help them stay afloat. Keep ordering takeout food as well!

4. Check in on your neighbors and loved ones.
Simply checking in on your parents, friends, and neighbors can help alleviate some of the emotional distress many may be feeling at the moment.

5. Donate blood.
According to the American Red Cross, the U.S. has a “severe blood shortage” since regularly-scheduled blood drives were cancelled during COVD-19. If you are healthy and able to safely make it to a location, consider donating blood by scheduling an appointment online at redcrossblood.org
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