Couple Creates ‘Door Of Kindness’ for Their Community

By in Love Letters

Florida Couple Creates ‘Door Of Kindness’ To Spread Kindness In Their Community

When Jessa and Tim moved into their new apartment last August, they wanted to make a positive impact on their neighbors.

So, they created the ‘Door of Kindness.’

Couple Creates ‘Door Of Kindness’ for Their Community
Notes on the 'Door of Kindness' / Credit: Jessa Brownell

The couple set up a small table outside their front door with blank post-it notes and pens on top. They also placed a letter on their door that encouraged anyone who passed by to write a kind message on one of the post-its.

Within hours, notes started appearing.

As days passed, the door became filled with notes of kindness.

Some read:

“Today may be hard, but you got this!”
“You are not alone!”
“It is okay to fail!”
“You are worthy of love. You are worthy of happiness”
“I am SO proud!”

Couple Creates ‘Door Of Kindness’ for Their Community
Table set outside door
Couple Creates ‘Door Of Kindness’ for Their Community
Notes appearing after a few hours
Couple Creates ‘Door Of Kindness’ for Their Community
Around 40 notes on door now

The inspiration came from pens Jessa used to use while working as a waitress. On the pens read messages like “you’re valued” and “you’re beautiful,” and Jessa was always surprised by how these simple messages could change a customer’s day.

“The hugs, even tears, that I received, let me know that these simple pens were affecting lives,” Jessa explained. “Instead of walking out of the restaurant after signing their check, they would share their stories with me. And they knew they weren’t alone.”

So far, the ‘Door of Kindness’ has received more than 40 messages, and the feedback for these notes has been overwhelmingly positive.

“We’ve had many residents stop and tell us how fabulous our door is or what a great idea it is and many tell us they’ve left notes though no one will ever say which one is theirs,” Jessa said.

Read more about the story or read another inspirational story


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