Hairstylist Gives 30 Kids Free Haircuts and School Supplies

By in Love Provides

Hairstylist Starts Free Kids Cuts Event and Gives 30 Kids Hair Cuts and School Supplies

Amanda Barnett is a hairstylist in Massachusetts who gave children in struggling families back to school supplies and haircuts.

Barnett made a Facebook post on her salon’s company page, stating she was throwing a “Free Kids Cuts” event.

Hairstylist Gives 30 Kids Free Hair Cuts and School Supplies
Amanda Barnett giving a free haircut

She wrote: “FREE HARICUTS FOR THE KIDS!!! I WILL ALSO HAVE SCHOOL SUPPLIES for the kids!!! So far I bought for the kids: folders, scissors, glue sticks, pencils, pencil sharpeners, pencil pouches.”

The hairstylist had the pleasure of helping 30 kids with free haircuts, backpacks, and school supplies. She also held a raffle for an arts and crafts gift basket.

“I have always wanted to host an event to help single mothers out there or families in general struggling financially sending their children off to school,” Barnett told a local news site. “With the prices of everything being so expensive, if I could take a little stress and worry away by donating some of my time and money to get back-to-school supplies for the kids, and a fresh haircut, then that is what I wanted to do.

We all need to come together and be there for one another and look out for each other. We could move mountains as a community if we all think like this.”

After the successful day, Barnett decided to make it into an annual event. She later followed up with another Facebook post by announcing her excitement for next year’s Free Kids Cuts day.

Read more about the story or read another inspirational story


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