18-Year-Old Drives 225 Miles to Deliver Pizza After Receiving a Special Phone Call
An 18-year-old pizzeria worker went above and beyond the call of duty to deliver a pizza over three and a half hours away. His accomplishment was also the only delivery ever made in the restaurant’s history.
When they were young, couple Julie and Rich Morgan would pick up an order at Steve’s Pizza for dinner every pay day. They found the Michigan based pizzeria to be the gold standard. When the Morgans moved away, they agreed they never found a better pizza place.

It had been years since they grabbed a slice, so they decided to go back and buy a pizza.
Unfortunately, right before the couple’s vacation back to Battle Creek, Michigan, Rich got diagnosed with cancer. The unexpected diagnosis forced them to cancel their trip and move into a hospice instead.
Unbeknownst to the Morgans, Julie’s father called Steve’s Pizza in hopes of a friendly acknowledgement from a place that meant so much to the pair. What he didn’t realize, however, was that 18-year-old Dalton Shaffer was on the other side of the phone.
Shaffer listened to the Morgan family’s story and asked what pizzas they liked. Julie’s father emphasized they lived 225 miles away from the pizza restaurant. The pizzeria worker dismissed the man’s protest and stated he would deliver two pepperoni pizzas to their house after the store closed for the night.
Keeping his promise, Staffer drove three and a half hours to deliver the two special pizzas to the Morgans. He gave the family his condolences and offered to help in any way he could. When Julie’s father tried to get him a hotel room for the night, Staffer politely refused since he had to drive back home and work the next day.
Julie and Rich were beyond grateful. Staffer gave them joy during a difficult time of their lives.
“While ‘thank you’ hardly seems adequate,” Julie wrote on Facebook. “From the bottom of my heart, thank you, Dalton… for making your epic middle of the night pizza delivery!”
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