Every year, Love Button Global Movement packages and distributes baskets full of essential items like clothes, school supplies, toiletries, and more for children and families in need across Southern California.
Loving is Service; Service is Loving
Every holiday season, Love Button supporters come together in the Baskets of Gratitude Program to provide essential items to adults and children in need. Whether it’s donating money or items, assembling the baskets or helping distribute them, giving inspires and uplifts everyone involved. Being of service to others is sharing love, which is why the motto of the Baskets of Gratitude Program is “Loving is service; service is loving.”

7 Years of Giving Back to the Community
Thanks to your generosity, our volunteers made more than 2,000 baskets of gratitude – double the amount we had created last year!
With your help and kindness we were able to pack more than 1,000 baskets of gratitude for several different organizations to help those in need.
On December 5, 2021, over 50 dedicated Love Button Global Movement volunteers gathered to assemble over 500 individual gift bags for local organizations.
Our 4th Annual Baskets of Gratitude was a success with your help, and we will be spreading the love to families in need across Southern California.
Thank you so much to our Love Button family for coming together and making over 220 holiday baskets filled with essential items for families in need.
Thank you to the Love Button family for supporting our 2nd Baskets of Gratitude event and for coming together to prepare gift baskets for underserved children.
Supporters came together during the Thanksgiving weekend to spread the Love in our community by preparing gift baskets for in need children.
2 Easy Ways You Can Help
Please consider one or more to help brighten the holidays and warm the nights of those in need.

Make an Online Donation
Please visit lovebutton.org/gratitude2024 to donate. Your gift will be used to purchase items to fill the Gratitude Baskets and is tax deductible.

Baskets of Gratitude Amazon Wish List
Go to Love Button’s Amazon registry and purchase the items of your choice. They will be shipped to our office and included in the Gratitude Baskets. Information on when and where to ship your items, visit our event page.

Help Pack or Distribute Baskets
Volunteer your time to pack and/or distribute Gratitude Baskets. Packing happens in a large community event with distribution occurring over the following two weeks. Due to a limited number of volunteers required for our events, we strongly recommend to register ASAP.

Drop Off Donations
We’re seeking new and unused blankets, scarves, gloves, hats, socks, sweatshirts (all children and adult sizes), travel-size toiletries like soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, toothbrushes, combs, and hairbrushes, small bottles laundry supplies, very light-weight blankets and towels, coloring books, books for children of different ages, crayons, school supplies, toys, coats, diapers and wipes for children under 18th months, and tampons and pads.

Get a Corporate Sponsor
A corporate sponsor can donate money AND/OR large number of items from backpacks, books, toys, art supplies, warm clothing items, etc. Contact us at operations@lovebutton.org if you can get one or for more details.

Host a Public Drop-Off Location or Collection Event
If you’re interested in hosting your own Baskets of Gratitude drop-off or collection event. Contact us at operations@lovebutton.org.

7th Annual Baskets of Gratitude
It’s that time of the year where we come together in gratitude for all of our blessings. We hope to buy, donate, package, or distribute items to pack over 1,500 bags for families, individuals, and children who need help during their most challenging hours. As we bless each item, we pray that it would be received in Love, well-being, and abundance.
This year’s event is appropriately themed “Gifted With Love”.