Live. Love. Laugh.

Real stories around the globe that spread the universal message of LOVE

  • Apr212017

    Shining a Light on the Dark Times

    A reminder to people that you have a choice to move forward in a loving mindset.

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  • Apr212017

    Choosing Love & Sacrifice in Today’s Cell Phone Culture

    Camera phone culture leaves us disempowered and deactivated.

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  • Mar222017
    Medical Team Perform Loving Surgery

    Surgeon and Medical Team Perform Loving Surgery on Conjoined Twins

    Love and courage accompanied lead surgeon Dr. James Goodrich and his team on a 27-hour surgery where they were tasked to separate conjoined twins Anias and Jadon.

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  • Mar212017
    Hateful Message to Muslim Family Inspires Huge Acts of Love

    Hateful Message to Muslim Family Inspires Huge Acts of Love

    Oftentimes it unfortunately takes an act of hate to showcase the true power of loving one another. A family from Iowa learned this the hard way.

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  • Mar212017
    Loving Response to the Global Refugee Crisis

    The Netherlands’ Loving Response to the Global Refugee Crisis

    Sometimes terrible events occur that demand loving responses. The refugee crisis is one example of this.

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  • Feb212017

    Display Your Love with a Love Button Prayer Flag

    Show the world your dedication to changing the world with love by proudly displaying a Love Button Prayer flag.

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  • Feb202017
    Loving Students Surprise Teachers' Daughter

    Loving Students Surprise Teacher’s Daughter

    High school students at Gallatin High School showed a special kind of love to the daughter of their teacher.

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  • Feb202017

    The Tracy McNeal Story

    Love Button Global Movement was present in the form of pink Love Buttons at a special celebration for a special woman on January 7, 2017.

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  • Feb082017
    Sisters Have Prayed Non-Stop - Love Button

    Sisters Have Prayed Non-Stop for 100 Years

    If you walk into the Chapel of Divine Love in Philadelphia, PA, you’re sure to find one or more Pink Sisters, as they’re called, keeping a silent prayer vigil before…

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  • Jan102017
    human library organization - where actual people are on loan to readers instead of books — are a way to highlight the common ground.

    Libraries full of human ‘books’ are spreading across the country

    Human Library Organization is creating a bridge for people of completely opposing viewpoints to connect in a judgement-free zone.

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  • Jan102017
    First Tiny House will Allow Homeless Rent

    First Detroit Tiny House will Allow Homeless Rent

    A non-profit organization out of Detroit, Michigan is loving their homeless community by building tiny homes.

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  • Jan102017
    The combination of a loving heart and an intelligent mind is a world-changing concoction

    College Student Recycled Hotel Soap to Save Thousands of Cambodians From Disease

    The combination of a loving heart and an intelligent mind is a world-changing concoction!

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  • Dec192016

    Love Button Honors Moira Kelly Creating Hope Foundation

    While passing through Australia on his band’s world tour, Chris Martin of Coldplay decided to stop by and make a surprise visit to honor Moira Kelly and her Creating Hope…

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  • Dec012016

    Announcement: Our Newly Designed Magnetic Buttons

    At last, we are thrilled to debut our newly designed Love Button 2.0!

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  • Nov222016

    How This 16-Year-Old Gymnast With One Leg Beat Leukemia To Become An Inspiration

    Love has the power to overcome a seemingly unbearable fate. Kate Foster is a shining example of how the love from her family and her love for gymnastics saved her…

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